Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will run for Turkish president in the
first direct election in August, his governing AK Party has confirmed.
Mr Erdogan has been PM since 2003 but is barred from seeking a new term.In the midst of corruption allegations, critics say he has become more authoritarian, but Mr Erdogan says political foes are trying to oust him.
Mr Erdogan wants to give new powers to the president, which has been a largely ceremonial role.
In the past, the incumbent has been chosen by parliament.
But, for the first time, Turks will vote directly for their president in a two-round election in August.
In April, incumbent President Abdullah Gul ruled out swapping roles with his ally, Mr Erdogan, when his presidential term ends.
The AKP has won six consecutive elections, at national and local level, maintaining a solid base of support among the working class.
"The candidate for the 12th president is our prime minister, head of our party and Istanbul lawmaker Recep Tayyip Erdogan," Mehmet Ali Sahin, deputy AKP leader, announced.